A bouquet of 12 yellow roses and 12 pink carnations wrapped in white and purple paper.
A collection of these fresh and vibrant flowers are sure to add colour to any person's day. Make your friends feel loved and remembered by sending their way a bouquet full of happiness. Brighten their day and wish them well through this heartfelt expression of your feelings and gratitude towards them. Roses can make any person feel valued and cherished and, thus, strengthen your relations.
We always try to deliver product as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour are not available at time of delivery, we shall deliver best available flowers type and colour of equal and more value. Some time it may possible that actual flower arrangement may vary.
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A bouquet of 12 yellow roses and 12 pink carnations wrapped in white and purple paper.
A collection of these fresh and vibrant flowers are sure to add colour to any person's day. Make your friends feel loved and remembered by sending their way a bouquet full of happiness. Brighten their day and wish them well through this heartfelt expression of your feelings and gratitude towards them. Roses can make any person feel valued and cherished and, thus, strengthen your relations.
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