Surprise her this weekend by sending a bouquet of red roses directly to her house. This bouquet of 24 roses is adorned by the presence of pearls on each flower, making it look even cuter. Though the bouquet is simple, yet it is this simplicity which will take win her heart. Easy on the pocket, this bouquet can be afforded by almost anyone at any time of the month. Order it online in a few simple steps and get it delivered to any location in Delhi and NCR.
We always try to deliver product as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour are not available at time of delivery, we shall deliver best available flowers type and colour of equal and more value. Some time it may possible that actual flower arrangement may vary.
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Roses and Pearls
Surprise her this weekend by sending a bouquet of red roses directly to her house. This bouquet of 24 roses is adorned by the presence of pearls on each flower, making it look even cuter. Though the bouquet is simple, yet it is this simplicity which will take win her heart. Easy on the pocket, this bouquet can be afforded by almost anyone at any time of the month. Order it online in a few simple steps and get it delivered to any location in Delhi and NCR.
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