18 Roses, carnations and gerbera flowers bouquet (5) for corporate meeting, functions or any other event.
Flowers never go out of fashion to give it as gratitude, especially when talking about some really important meetings or in a corporate setup. This is an elegant set of 18 flowers which consisting of multiple flowers. This exotic arrangement is perfect for any casual important occasions such as client meetings, cooperate meetings or any such function. Get this classic bouquet to let people know about your genuineness and your respect.
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18 Mix Flowers Bouquet in Bulk 5
18 Roses, carnations and gerbera flowers bouquet (5) for corporate meeting, functions or any other event.
Flowers never go out of fashion to give it as gratitude, especially when talking about some really important meetings or in a corporate setup. This is an elegant set of 18 flowers which consisting of multiple flowers. This exotic arrangement is perfect for any casual important occasions such as client meetings, cooperate meetings or any such function. Get this classic bouquet to let people know about your genuineness and your respect.
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