A bouquet of 1000 mixed-color roses is a breathtaking and luxurious floral arrangement that combines vibrant shades of red, pink, yellow, orange, and white. These high-quality roses are carefully selected for their beauty and freshness, then elegantly arranged with stems wrapped in green floral tape and finished with a ribbon. This grand bouquet is perfect for making a bold statement at weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or corporate events. To keep the roses fresh, place them in water immediately and change the water daily.
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1000 roses bunch
A bouquet of 1000 mixed-color roses is a breathtaking and luxurious floral arrangement that combines vibrant shades of red, pink, yellow, orange, and white. These high-quality roses are carefully selected for their beauty and freshness, then elegantly arranged with stems wrapped in green floral tape and finished with a ribbon. This grand bouquet is perfect for making a bold statement at weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or corporate events. To keep the roses fresh, place them in water immediately and change the water daily.
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