The 24 Mix Colour Roses and 2 White Lilies Basket is a stunning and elegant floral arrangement that is perfect for any occasion. The arrangement features a mix of 12 white/light pink roses and 12 red roses, which are complemented by 2 white Asiatic lilies. These flowers are carefully arranged in a plastic basket, which is both durable and practical.
To keep the flowers fresh and hydrated, the arrangement includes 1/2 quantity of floral foam. This foam helps to keep the flowers in place and allows for easy arranging. In addition, the arrangement includes 10 silver curly ting ting, which adds a touch of sparkle and texture to the overall design.
The arrangement is further enhanced by a variety of greens and foliage, including aspidistra-green, limonium white flowers, eucalyptus silver dollar greens, and pittosporum variegated greens. These greens add depth and dimension to the arrangement, while also complementing the colors of the flowers.
Overall, the 24 Mix Colour Roses and 2 White Lilies Basket is a beautiful and luxurious floral arrangement that is sure to impress. It's perfect for a variety of occasions, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and more. With its mix of colours and textures, it's sure to be a showstopper and a memorable gift for anyone who receives it.
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24 Light Pink and Red Roses Basket
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