50 Yellow Roses Bunch
Make your gift even more special!

50 Yellow Roses Bunch


Rs. 1999.00 | $ 33.32

The Fresh 50 Yellow Roses Bouquet - New Design is a vibrant and stunning floral arrangement that is perfect for brightening up any occasion. The bouquet features 50 fresh and beautiful yellow roses, carefully selected and arranged to create a stunning display.
The roses are arranged in a round bouquet, with the stems neatly bundled and tied together with a yellow ribbon. To protect the roses and keep them fresh, the bouquet is wrapped in 4 layers of yellow tissue, which adds an extra touch of elegance to the overall design.
The bouquet is further enhanced by a variety of greens and foliage, including green grass and Kolkata grass, which adds texture and dimension to the arrangement. The greens also complement the vibrant yellow color of the roses, creating a cohesive and visually pleasing display.
Overall, the Fresh 50 Yellow Roses Bouquet - New Design is a simple yet stunning floral arrangement that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to brighten up someone's day, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. With its fresh and vibrant yellow roses, elegant packaging, and beautiful arrangement, it's a gift that will be treasured for its beauty and simplicity.

In Stock
Total Price :
1999 | $ 33.32
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We always try to deliver flowers and cake same as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour or/and cake design, flavour not available at the time of delivery, we shall deliver the best available flowers or/and the cake of same or more value.

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