Luxury 4 feet arrangement of 75 red and white roses, 25 Lilies & 20 Anthuriums, delivery in Delhi & NCR . If grand is what you are looking for then this arrangement is the one for you. 75 red and white roses join hands with 25 lilies and 20 anthuriums in this wonderful looking arrangement. This is a great choice if you want to take someone by surprise or wish to congratulate on a major event. The Judgement bouquet can be chosen by corporate for sending to their partners or similar companies in their business on their foundation day or for wishing luck on a new start.
We always try to deliver product as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour are not available at time of delivery, we shall deliver best available flowers type and colour of equal and more value. Some time it may possible that actual flower arrangement may vary.
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Luxury 4 feet arrangement of 75 red and white roses, 25 Lilies & 20 Anthuriums, delivery in Delhi & NCR . If grand is what you are looking for then this arrangement is the one for you. 75 red and white roses join hands with 25 lilies and 20 anthuriums in this wonderful looking arrangement. This is a great choice if you want to take someone by surprise or wish to congratulate on a major event. The Judgement bouquet can be chosen by corporate for sending to their partners or similar companies in their business on their foundation day or for wishing luck on a new start.
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