Brighten up your loved one's day with this vibrant bunch of 15 yellow carnations. Perfect for any occasion, this round bouquet is designed to impress. With a height of 26-30 inches, it's sure to make a statement.
Our expert florists have carefully handpicked and arranged 15 fresh yellow carnations to create this stunning bouquet. The flowers are beautifully wrapped in 2 layers of yellow tissue paper and tied together with a yellow ribbon to create a charming and elegant look.
The bouquet is complemented with lush green grass, gypsy, and Kolkata grass, adding a touch of freshness and natural beauty to the overall design.
Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, this bouquet is a wonderful way to show your love and appreciation. Order now and make your loved one's day extra special with this delightful bunch of yellow carnations.
Approx height of this product is 26-30 inches. Packing material includes 2 yellow tissue papers and yellow ribbon. Greens and foliages used are
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15 Yellow Carnations Bunch
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