15 Red Carnations & 9 Red Roses Round Basket - Red Carnations and Roses in a basket display the feeling of admiration, love and affection for your mother. The square basket will appeal to her eyes and make her believe in your love. These nicely decorated flowers can uplift her day and make it more special. The flowers shall take her to an all new world of happiness and can really cheer her up. Believe it or not but she will hug you tightly for the wonderful present you gifted her and making the day a memorable one.
We always try to deliver product as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour are not available at time of delivery, we shall deliver best available flowers type and colour of equal or high value. Some time it may possible that actual flower arrangement may vary.
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Red Carnations and Roses Square Basket
15 Red Carnations & 9 Red Roses Round Basket - Red Carnations and Roses in a basket display the feeling of admiration, love and affection for your mother. The square basket will appeal to her eyes and make her believe in your love. These nicely decorated flowers can uplift her day and make it more special. The flowers shall take her to an all new world of happiness and can really cheer her up. Believe it or not but she will hug you tightly for the wonderful present you gifted her and making the day a memorable one.
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