This beautiful bouquet features 24 premium quality red roses, each delicately covered with red paper to create an eye-catching presentation. We have handcrafted this bouquet with care to ensure that each rose is perfectly arranged to convey your deepest emotions. Whether you are celebrating a new love or a long-standing relationship, this bouquet is sure to make your Valentine's Day memorable.
We always try to deliver the product as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour are not available at the time of delivery, we shall deliver best available flowers type and colour of equal or high value. Some time it may possible that actual flower arrangement may vary.
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Valentine Special
This beautiful bouquet features 24 premium quality red roses, each delicately covered with red paper to create an eye-catching presentation. We have handcrafted this bouquet with care to ensure that each rose is perfectly arranged to convey your deepest emotions. Whether you are celebrating a new love or a long-standing relationship, this bouquet is sure to make your Valentine's Day memorable.
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