Perfectly fitting the bill of an ideal gift for wedding or anniversaries, this enchanting combination of red roses and yellow carnations speaks of style, suaveness and sophistication. When you gift this to someone, you are not only sending flowers. The bouquet represents all your warm regards and the good wishes you have for the special person on their special occasion.
We always try to deliver product as shown, but If ordered flowers type, colour are not available at time of delivery, we shall deliver best available flowers type and colour of equal or high value. Some time it may possible that actual flower arrangement may vary.
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May Flowers
Perfectly fitting the bill of an ideal gift for wedding or anniversaries, this enchanting combination of red roses and yellow carnations speaks of style, suaveness and sophistication. When you gift this to someone, you are not only sending flowers. The bouquet represents all your warm regards and the good wishes you have for the special person on their special occasion.
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